Gynecological / Genitourinary Teaching Associate (GTA, GUTA, MUTA)

Etym. genitourinary (adj.) of or relating to the genital and urinary organs or functions. genitals (n.) “reproductive organs,” especially the external sexual organs, late 14c. Compare Genitalia.


  • A Genitourinary Teaching Associate (GUTA) is an individual trained to teach the techniques and protocol for performing the gender-specific physical examination to learners, using himself or herself as a demonstration and practice model.
  • A Gynecological Teaching Associate (GTA) is a female specifically trained to teach, assess, and provide feedback to learners about accurate pelvic, rectal and/or breast examination techniques. They also address the communication skills needed to provide a comfortable exam in a standardized manner, while using their bodies as teaching tools in a supportive, non-threatening environment (Association of Standardized Patient Educators).
  • A Male Urogenital Teaching Associates (MUTA) is a male specifically trained to teach, assess, and provide feedback to learners about accurate urogenital and rectal examination techniques. They also address the communication skills needed to provide a comfortable exam in a standardized manner, while using their bodies as teaching tools in a supportive, non-threatening environment (Association of Standardized Patient Educators).

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