Contracts that represent agreements for future delivery of financial instruments or commodities in which the buyer agrees to purchase and the seller agrees to deliver, at a specified future date, a specified commodity or instrument at a specified price or yield. Derivatives are reportable ONLY on TIC Form D Reports.


A custodian located outside the United States, including a foreign affiliate of a U.S. custodian. Reporters should determine the location of a custodian according to the country where the custodian is incorporated, or otherwise legally established, not according to the country of custodian’s parent firm, and not according to the location of the custodian’s operations… Continue reading FOREIGN-RESIDENT CUSTODIAN


Any foreign-resident entity for which the reporter owns, directly or indirectly, 10 percent or more of its voting equity (or the equivalent); or any foreign- resident “parent” company which owns 10 percent or more of the reporter’s voting equity (or the equivalent); or any foreign-resident company which is a subsidiary (50 percent or more owned)… Continue reading FOREIGN-RESIDENT AFFILIATE


Securities issued by entities established under the laws of a foreign country (i.e., legally incorporated, otherwise legally organized, or licensed (such as branches) in a foreign country) and securities issued by international organizations, even if these organizations are located in the United States.


Any individual, corporation, or other organization legally established outside the United States, regardless of the actual center of economic activity of the entity. A corporation incorporated outside the United States is a foreign resident even if it has no physical presence outside the United States. Foreigners/Foreign Residents include: Foreign governments and any subdivision, agency or… Continue reading FOREIGN RESIDENT (FOREIGN, FOREIGNER)


A foreign official institution includes the following: Treasuries, including ministries of finance, or corresponding departments of national governments; central banks; including all departments thereof; stabilization funds, including official exchange control offices or other government exchange authorities; diplomatic and consular establishments and other departments and agencies of national governments International and regional organizations. Banks, corporations, or… Continue reading FOREIGN OFFICIAL INSTITUTIONS (FOI)


A lease is an agreement that transfers the right to use an asset for a specified period of time. Follow the standards set forth in FASB Statement No. 13, “Accounting for Leases” to distinguish a financing lease from an operating lease. In particular, if any one of the following criteria is met, a lease must… Continue reading FINANCING LEASE


Any organization that is principally engaged in providing financial services to other organizations and households. This includes but is not limited to financial intermediation services provided by banks and other depository institutions, brokerage services, underwriting services, financial management services, credit origination services, credit card services, insurance services, pension services, financial advisory services, custody services, securities… Continue reading FINANCIAL ORGANIZATION