Alternate Postage Payment Method for Greeting Cards An experimental product that provides a means by which individuals can mail greeting cards without affixing postage. The company producing the cards pays postage through a two-stage process. First, at least 50 percent of the postage is paid to USPS based on the company’s reports of how many… Continue reading Alternate Postage Payment Method for Greeting Cards – USPS Definition
Alternate Mailing System – USPS Definition
Alternate Mailing System (AMS) An authorized procedure that provides other methods for accepting permit imprint mail, outside a Manifest Mailing System or an Optional Procedure, to ensure proper postage payment and mail preparation without verification by weight.
Alternate Delivery Service – USPS Definition
Alternate Delivery Service A delivery method that does not require a carrier. Caller Service, firm holdout, Post Office Box service, and general delivery are alternate delivery services.
Alternate Access Channel – USPS Definition
Alternate Access Channel A customer access point to postal products and services other than through a traditional postal facility such as a Post Office staffed by employees. Alternate access channels include Automated Postal Center kiosks; contract postal units; online services such as Click-N-Ship service at; Stamps on Consignment sold through commercial outlets such as… Continue reading Alternate Access Channel – USPS Definition
Alpha Test – USPS Definition
Alpha Test A test that explores the interaction and consistency of successfully tested units such as new mail processing equipment. It generally means that interfaces, global data structures, and developed software module combinations are considered. The test is normally done by the developer, often in a laboratory environment.
All-Purpose Dating Stamp – USPS Definition
All-Purpose Dating Stamp A handstamping device for imprinting (in red ink) the date, the name of city, and the Post Office branch or Post Office station on Registered Mail pieces and nonmail items such as receipts. Also called round-dater stamp.
A-Label Service – USPS Definition
A-Label Service (Informal) Priority Mail Express Hold for Pickup Service, so called because the similar prior service Priority Mail Express Post Office to Post Office Service used Label 11-A. Priority Mail Express Hold for Pickup Service actually uses Label 11-HFPU.
Air Tray – USPS Definition
Air Tray (Informal) A tray, often an overflow tray, containing few pieces of mail.
Air Sack – USPS Definition
Air Sack (Informal) A sack, often an overflow sack, containing few pieces of mail. Also called skin sack.
Airport Mail Center – USPS Definition
Airport Mail Center (AMC) (obsolete) A postal facility at an airport that received, concentrated, transferred, dispatched, and distributed mail transported by air. The last AMC was closed in 2010.