Intervention Refers to a variety of tools FMCSA uses to address carriers that are found in violation of Federal safety regulations. Interventions include warning letters, inspections, and investigations, among others. The interventions process evaluates why safety problems occur, recommends remedies, encourages corrective action, and when necessary, invokes strong penalties for carriers failing to comply.
Interstate commerce
Interstate commerce Trade, traffic, or transportation between the following: A place in a State and a place outside of such State (including a place outside of the United States); Two places in a State through another State or place outside of the United States; or Between two places in a State as part of trade,… Continue reading Interstate commerce
Inspection An evaluation of a driver, vehicle, or both to ensure safe operations. The six levels of inspections conducted in North America are developed by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). The level of inspection refers to what is examined during the inspection. Level 1 is the most comprehensive type of inspection.
Hand-held mobile device
Hand-held mobile device Any mobile device that requires at least one hand to be fully operational. In order to comply with 49 CFR 392.82, drivers must utilize an earpiece or the speaker phone function and must initiate, answer, or end a call using voice-activation or one-button touch features.
For-hire carrier
For-hire carrier A person or company engaged in the transportation of goods or passengers for compensation. For hire carriers need to obtain operating authority (MC number) in addition to a U.S. DOT Number.
Financial responsibility
Financial responsibility Policies and bonds that satisfy a carrier’s ability to cover public liability.
Entry-level driver
Entry-level driver A driver who has less than one year of experience operating a CMV with a CDL in interstate commerce.
Driving Operating a CMV on a roadway, including while temporarily halted because of traffic, a traffic control device, or other momentary delay. An operator is no longer driving when the driver has stopped in a location where the vehicle can safely remain stationary.
Driveaway–towaway An operation in which an empty or unladen motor vehicle with one or more sets of wheels on the surface of the roadway is being transported: Between vehicle manufacturer facilities; Between a vehicle manufacturer and a dealership or purchaser; Between a dealership, or other entity selling or leasing the vehicle, and a purchaser or… Continue reading DOT, FMCSA, TERM
Disqualification The suspension, revocation, or cancellation of a CDL. For full definition and other important related terms see 49 CFR 383.5.