Consignee The person to whom the shipment is to be delivered.
Commercial Shipper
Commercial Shipper Any person who is named as the consignor or consignee in a bill of lading contract who is not the owner of the goods being transported but who assumes the responsibility for payment of the transportation and other tariff charges for the account of the beneficial owner of the goods. The beneficial owner… Continue reading Commercial Shipper
Collect on Delivery (COD)
Collect on Delivery (COD) Shipments where customer pays moving charges at the time of delivery. For COD shipments, payment is required in cash, or by traveler’s check, money order, cashier’s check or credit card (pending a prior credit card approval process). Personal checks are not accepted for payment of COD charges.
Claim Shipper’s statement of loss or damage to any of his or her household goods while they were in the care of the carrier or its agent. Such a statement is generally made on a “Claim Form.”
Carrier’s Liability For Loss or Damage
Carrier’s Liability For Loss or Damage The liability the carrier assumes for your possessions. There are several different liability options available to you so be sure to ask the carrier’s representative to explain each option, its ramifications and its cost. Carrier’s Liability for Loss or Damage is often incorrectly referred to as “insurance.”
Carrier The mover transporting your household goods.
Bulky Article
Bulky Article Items such as pianos, cars, boats, snowmobiles and campers usually carry a bulky article charge to compensate the carrier for the difficulty of loading and unloading such articles, and their unusual bulk or low weight density. In some cases, an additional “weight additive” is applicable
Broker A person who, for compensation, arranges or offers to arrange, the transportation of cargo by an authorized carrier. A broker does not provide the actual truck transportation. A broker does not assume responsibility for the cargo and usually does not take possession of the cargo.
Booking Agent
Booking Agent The agent who accepts the order for your move. The booking agent may or may not be your origin or destination agent.
Bill of Lading
Bill of Lading The receipt for your goods and the contract for their transportation. NOTE: It is your responsibility to understand the bill of lading before you sign it. If you do not agree with something on the bill of lading, do not sign it until you are satisfied that it is correct. The bill… Continue reading Bill of Lading