Standard Deduction

Standard Deduction Reduces the income subject to tax and varies depending on filing status, age, blindness, and dependency.

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Software Developer

Software Developer Develops software for the purposes of (1) formatting electronic tax return information according to IRS specifications, and/or (2) transmitting electronic tax return information directly to the IRS.

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Social Security Tax

Social Security Tax Provides benefits for retired workers and their dependents as well as for the disabled and their dependents. Also known as the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax.

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Sin Tax

Sin Tax A tax on goods such as tobacco and alcohol.

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Single Filing Status

Single Filing Status If on the last day of the year, you are unmarried or legally separated from your spouse under a divorce or separate maintenance decree and you do not qualify for another filing status.

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Self-Employment Tax

Self-Employment Tax Similar to Social Security and Medicare taxes. The self-employment tax rate is 15.3 percent of self-employment profit. The self-employment tax is calculated on Schedule SEā€”Self-Employment Tax. The self-employment tax is reported on Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return.

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Self-Employment Profit

Self-Employment Profit Self-employment income minus self-employment expenses, when self-employment income is greater than self-employment expenses.

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Self-Employment Loss

Self-Employment Loss Self-employment income minus self-employment expenses, when self-employment income is less than self-employment expenses.

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Sales Tax

Sales Tax A tax on retail products based on a set percentage of retail cost.

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Salary Compensation received by an employee for services performed. A salary is a fixed sum paid for a specific period of time worked, such as weekly or monthly.

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