
Reprocess Documents that previously posted to an incorrect TIN or tax period must be reprocessed to the correct TIN or tax period that does not contain a TC 150. Document should not be reprocessed to a module containing a TC 150, or if the statute for assessment has expired for the tax period involved.

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Remittance Processing System (RPS)

Remittance Processing System (RPS) A computer controlled system that allows payments and documents to be processed at a multifunctional work station

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Reject A numbered return or document that is removed from pipeline processing because of an unprocessable condition.

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Reinput A document that has not posted to the master file, which is usually sent back through DIS for input a second time.

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Refile DLN

Refile DLN DLN assigned to a return or other document after an audit of Campus adjustment has been completed. The tax return and related documents are filed under this refile DLN rather than the original DLN. Refile DLNs can be identified by the 4th and 5th digits of the DLN. A 47 document code means… Continue reading Refile DLN

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Realtime Realtime computer systems are designed to respond to user transactions instantly. Most of IRS employs batch systems that consolidate transactions to process at a later time. Realtime would mean transactions would post immediately upon entry. Realtime generally refers to the time a system is available for use.

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Raw Data

Raw Data Data before it has been processed, which may not be in a form comprehensible to the machine.

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Queue A sequential waiting pattern for information to be processed by the computer. normally used to refer to batch jobs waiting to be processed (French for “line”).

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