Form CO

Previously used to file claims to copyright, the fill-in Form CO had to be completed on a computer, printed, and mailed to the Office with the proper fee and deposit and a handwritten signature.

Form CA

A paper application used to submit an application for a supplementary registration for certain types of works. Specifically, Form CA may be used to correct or amplify the information in the following types of registrations: (i) a renewal registration, (ii) a GATT registration for a foreign work restored to copyright protection by the Uruguay Round… Continue reading Form CA


A printed document designed and issued by the U.S. Copyright Office for use in applying for registration and requesting certain other copyright services.


“A work is ‘fixed’ in a tangible medium of expression when its embodiment in a copy or phonorecord, by or under the authority of the author, is sufficiently permanent or stable to permit it to be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated for a period of more than transitory duration. A work consisting of sounds, images,… Continue reading Fixed

Exclusive rights

Any or all of the exclusive rights under Copyright Law, as set forth in Section 106 of the Copyright Act. Section 106 of the Copyright Act defines the exclusive rights of copyright owners in their works. Only the copyright owner has the right to do and to authorize the following: “To reproduce the copyrighted work… Continue reading Exclusive rights

Exclusive license

An exclusive license is “a license that gives the licensee the sole right to perform the licensed act, often in a defined territory, and that prohibits the licensor from performing the licensed act and from granting the right to anyone else; [especially], such a license of a copyright, patent, or trademark right.” Black’s Law Dictionary… Continue reading Exclusive license

Eligible country

“The term ‘eligible country’ means a nation, other than the United States, that— Becomes a WTO member country after the date of the enactment of the Uruguay RoundAgreements Act; On such date of enactment is, or after such date of enactment becomes, a nation adheringto the Berne Convention; Adheres to the WIPO Copyright Treaty; Adheres… Continue reading Eligible country