TERM FMCSA Definition – “Corporation”

Corporation An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state or nation, composed, in some rare instances, of a single person and his successors, but ordinarily consisting of an association of numerous individuals, which is regarded in law as having a personality and existence distinct from… Continue reading TERM FMCSA Definition – “Corporation”

TERM FMCSA Definition – “Partnership”

Partnership A voluntary contract between two or more competent persons to place their money, effects, labor, and skill, or some or all of them, in lawful commerce or business, with the understanding that there shall be a proportional sharing of the profits and losses between them.


Entry-Level Driver means a person who must complete the CDL skills test requirements under 49 CFR 383.71 prior to (1) receiving the initial CDL or having a CDL reinstated, (2) upgrading a Class B or Class C CDL, or (3) obtaining a passenger or school bus endorsement.  This definition does not include individuals that 49… Continue reading ELDTAC FMCSA Terms

XBRL Glossary of Terms

Abstract An attribute of an element to indicate that the element is only used in a hierarchy to group related elements together. An abstract element cannot be used to tag data in an instance document. Attribute A property of an element such as its name, balance, data type, and whether the element is abstract. Attributes… Continue reading XBRL Glossary of Terms

TERM Meaning

1. Advisory Affiliate: Your advisory affiliates are all of your officers, partners, or directors (or any person performing similar functions); all persons directly or indirectly controlling or controlled by you; and all of your current employees (other than employees performing only clerical, administrative, support or similar functions). If you are a “separately identifiable department or… Continue reading TERM Meaning

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TERM USPS Definition

Abbreviations and Acronyms A AADC – automated area distribution center ABE –  Automated Barcode Evaluator ABMPS – Automated Business Mail Processing System AC – actual count ACDCS – Air Contract Data Collection System ACS – Address Change Service ACT – air contract transportation tag ADAPT – Automatic Density Analysis Profile Technique ADC – area distribution center… Continue reading TERM USPS Definition

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IRS Glossary of Terms

A AARP American Association of Retired Persons Accrual method Accounting method that reports income when earned (not necessarily received) and expenses when incurred (not necessarily paid), as opposed to the cash method. (Out of scope for the VITA/TCE programs.) Active Participation When a taxpayer makes significant rental or business management decisions, such as approving rental… Continue reading IRS Glossary of Terms

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IRS Acronyms and Definition of Terms

Acronyms or Terms Name or Definition of Terms AB Advocate Advisory Board ACA Affordable Care Act ACS Automated Collection System Adj or adjmt Adjustment Advocacy Initiative The overall advocacy process: from identification of the underlying Advocacy Issue through implementation of the accepted Advocacy Proposal. Advocacy Issue The underlying problem or issue that creates disservice or… Continue reading IRS Acronyms and Definition of Terms

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