Warehouse Handling

Warehouse Handling A charge may be applicable each time storage-in-transit service is provided. Charges for these services may be in addition to the line haul charges. This charge compensates the mover for the physical placement and removal of items within the warehouse

Van Operator

Van Operator The driver of the vehicle carrying your household goods.


Van Movers call all types and kinds of trucks used for moving “vans.” A van can be as small as a small econo-line pack van or as large as a long tractor-trailer.


Valuation The degree of “worth” or dollar value of the shipment. The valuation charge compensates the mover for assuming a greater degree of liability than is provided for in its base transportation charges. All movers are required to assume liability for the value of goods that they transport. Most movers offer two levels of liability—basic and… Continue reading Valuation


Unpacking The removal of your goods from containers (boxes) and crates, and the disposal of such containers and packing materials

Third Party Services

Third Party Services Services performed by someone other than the carrier at your request or as required by Federal, state or local law


Tariff A list (in whole or in part) containing rates, rules, regulations, classifications or other provisions related to a motor carrier’s transportation services. The Surface Transportation Board requires that a tariff contain three specific items. First, an accurate description of the services the mover offers to the public. Second, the specific applicable rates and service… Continue reading Tariff

Tare Weight

Tare Weight Weight of the van and its contents before your goods are loaded


Survey The booking or origin agent examines (i.e., surveys, or visually inspects) the shipper’s goods to develop a cost estimate

Surface Transportation Board

Surface Transportation Board (www.stb.dot.gov) This agency within the Department of Transportation regulates household goods carrier tariffs among other responsibilities.