Triple A commercial motor vehicle consisting of a truck-tractor and three detachable trailers.
Terminal Inspection
Terminal Inspection Examination of vehicles at carriers’ terminal facilities. Although the inspection methodology employed may vary, a Walk-Around technique is generally used. Terminal inspections normally focus only on the “vehicle” aspects of the inspection process. This inspection type is a Level V inspection.
Straight Truck
Straight Truck A commercial motor vehicle in which the power unit and cargo box are non-detachable.
Special Study
Special Study Ad hoc examination of particular items, usually inspected in support of a particular study or verification/refutation of a specific trend. This inspection type is a Level IV inspection.
Single A commercial motor vehicle consisting of a truck-tractor and a detachable trailer.
Safetynet A state-based information system used to store and process commercial carrier safety information, including driver-vehicle inspection data. The use of SAFETYNET ensures that data electronically transferred to MCMIS are in a standard format and have successfully passed through a variety of edit checks.
Private Carrier
Private Carrier A commercial motor carrier for which private highway transportation activities are incidental to, and only in furtherance of, its primary business activity.
Out-of-Service (OOS) Violations
Out-of-Service (OOS) Violations A violation of the FMCSR or HMR requiring that a commercial vehicle or driver be taken out of service or moved off the road until the circumstances which caused the violation have been resolved or corrected.
Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP)
Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) A Federal program providing funds to U.S. states and territories for activities in support of commercial motor vehicle safety. To receive MCSAP funds, states must adopt interstate and intrastate regulations which are compatible with the FMCSR and the HMR. The FMCSA is the Federal agency responsible for administering MCSAP.
Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS)
Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS) The computerized system, operated by the FMCSA, containing comprehensive safety data on interstate and intrastate commercial carriers. Two parts of MCMIS are the Motor Carrier Inspection Database and the Motor Carrier Census Database.