
Appeal To call for a review of an irs decision or proposed adjustment.

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Amount due

Amount due Money that taxpayers must pay to the government when the total tax is greater than their total tax payments

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Adjusted gross income

Adjusted gross income Gross income reduced by certain amounts, such as a deductible ira contribution or student loan interest

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Ability to pay

Ability to pay A concept of tax fairness that states that people with different amounts of wealth or different amounts of income should pay tax at different rates. Wealth includes assets such as houses, cars, stocks, bonds, and savings accounts. Income includes wages, interest and dividends, and other payments

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Walk-Around Inspection

Walk-Around Inspection Follows most procedures of the Full Inspection, except those actions which can only be accomplished by climbing underneath the vehicle (e.g., to measure brake performance). This inspection type is a Level II inspection.

Vehicle Configuration

Vehicle Configuration Arrangement of the individual units – truck-tractors, trailers, etc. – comprising a commercial vehicle.

USDOT Number

USDOT Number An identification number assigned to all interstate commercial carriers regulated by the FMCSA. The number is used to track the safety records associated with a given carrier.


Truck-Tractor A self-propelled motor vehicle designed and primarily used to draw other vehicles.