
Dependent A qualifying child or qualifying relative, other than the taxpayer or spouse, who entitles the taxpayer to claim a dependency exemption.

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Dependency Exemption

Dependency Exemption Amount that taxpayers can claim for a “qualifying child” or “qualifying relative”. Each exemption reduces the income subject to tax. The exemption amount is a set amount that changes from year to year. One exemption is allowed for each qualifying child or qualifying relative claimed as a dependent.

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Deficit The result of the government taking in less money than it spends.

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Compulsory Payroll Tax

Compulsory Payroll Tax An automatic tax collected from employers and employees to finance specific programs.

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Commission Compensation received by an employee for services performed. Commissions are paid based on a percentage of sales made or a fixed amount per sale.

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Citizen or Resident Test

Citizen or Resident Test Assuming all other dependency tests are met, the citizen or resident test allows taxpayers to claim a dependency exemption for persons who are U.S. citizens for some part of the year or who live in the United States, Canada, or Mexico for some part of the year.

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Business A continuous and regular activity that has income or profit as its primary purpose.

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Bonus Compensation received by an employee for services performed. A bonus is given in addition to an employee’s usual compensation.

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Benefits Received

Benefits Received A concept of tax fairness that states that people should pay taxes in proportion to the benefits they receive from government goods and services.

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Authorized IRS e-file Provider

Authorized IRS e-file Provider A business authorized by the IRS to participate in the IRS e-file Program. The business may be a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a corporation, or an organization. Authorized IRS e-file Providers include Electronic Return Originators (EROs), Transmitters, Intermediate Service Providers, and Software Developers. These categories are not mutually exclusive. For example,… Continue reading Authorized IRS e-file Provider

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