
Block Returns or documents grouped together for filing purposes. The ninth, tenth and eleventh digits of the DLN indicate the blocking series where the return is filed.

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ATIN Is assigned by the Austin Campus as a result of an accepted Form W-7A application. This is a 9 digit temporary number beginning with “9” and the fourth and fifth digits “93”

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AIMS Serial Number

AIMS Serial Number A computer generated nine digit number assigned to each return as it is established on the AIMS system.

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Account A tax record on magnetic tape in the Martinsburg Computing Center in West Virginia. Taxpayers tax data is identified by Social Security Number or by Employer Identification Number.

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23C Date

23C Date The date an assessment is posted to the Master File. It is also the date the first master file notice is sent on a balance due account. Commonly referred to as the notice date or assessment date.

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Acronyms – TERM IRS

Acronyms – TERM IRS A current listing of abbreviations/acronyms can now be found on the MITS web site. The abbreviations/acronyms below only refer to the data and text in this document. For command codes, refer to Acronyms Definition 23C Assessment Date; Master File Notice Date A/R Accounts Receivable AAC Automated Accounting System also AIMS… Continue reading Acronyms – TERM IRS

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Withholding (“pay-as-you-earn” taxation) Money, for example, that employers withhold from employees paychecks. This money is deposited for the government. (It will be credited against the employees’ tax liability when they file their returns.) Employers withhold money for federal income taxes, Social Security taxes and state and local income taxes in some states and localities.

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Wages Compensation received by employees for services performed. Usually, wages are computed by multiplying an hourly pay rate by the number of hours worked.

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