Entity Index An index of all entity modules at a given service center, used by DIS when inputting returns. This is updated periodically by the centers.
Entity The portion of the master file record which identifies the taxpayer. It contains the name, address and SSN or EIN.
Enterprise Computing Center (ECC)
Enterprise Computing Center (ECC) Located in Martinsburg, West Virginia, this center houses the master file records for the entire nation. Previously known as Martinsburg Computing Center (MCC).
Enforcement Revenue Information System (ERIS)
Enforcement Revenue Information System (ERIS) ERIS is a new tracking system which will extract information for reports from existing systems. When fully implemented, it will track an account from the beginning of an examination through the collection activity.
End-of-Day Processing (EOD)
End-of-Day Processing (EOD) Processing that occurs at the end of each day. This process uses the gendata records produced by Realtime and transactions from GMF to send transactions to Master File for posting.
Encoder The hardware equipment that writes the magnetic information character recognition (MICR) on the bottom of incoming checks. It also prints identifying information on the back.
Employee Plans Master File
Employee Plans Master File The Employee Plans Master File (EPMF) is a master file maintained at MCC. This file consists of various types of tax sheltered Pension/Profit Sharing Plan. The plans are plans that are adopted by (a) employers, (b) sponsors (e.g. labor unions) and (3) self–employed individuals. This file is maintained in Employer Identification… Continue reading Employee Plans Master File
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Employer Identification Number (EIN) A nine-digit number, also referred to as the EI number, used to identify business taxpayers on the Business Master File. The first two digits represent the district office code
Dummy Module
Dummy Module A TIF account tax module that has not been fully updated from master file or is not at master file. It contains name control, TIN, MFT and tax period and will be replaced by the true tax module when the generated TC 902 finds a match on the Master File.
Drain Process used in DIS and RPS to clear all nodes of data.