Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year A twelve month accounting period.

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Fiscal Year Filer

Fiscal Year Filer Taxpayer whose fiscal or filing year ends in a month other than December.

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File Year

File Year The 14th digit of the DLN will show the calendar year the document was numbered.

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File Source

File Source A one digit code which follows the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) The common values are: Blank: valid SSN or EIN V: valid SSN on BMF D: Temporary TIN P: valid EPMF EIN N: NMF *: invalid SSN on IMF W: invalid SSN on BMF

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File A file is a collection of related records. However, unlike a data base, the file does not have to be organized. Normally files are not accessible unless you use a realtime program to organize the data for you.

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Federal Tax Deposit (FTD)

Federal Tax Deposit (FTD) Until December 31, 2010 under the Federal Tax Deposit System, a taxpayer did not make payments to the Internal Revenue Service. Instead, taxpayers would deposit payments with a Federal Reserve Bank (FRB) or an authorized commercial bank. The taxpayer used an FTD form supplied by IRS in a coupon booklet format.… Continue reading Federal Tax Deposit (FTD)

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Extension Notice Code

Extension Notice Code A two digit code assigned to Forms 2688/4868 identifying if the applications for extension of time to file returns were fully approved, granted 10–day approvals or denied, and the reason for the action taken.

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Error Resolution System (ERS)

Error Resolution System (ERS) An on-line real-time error correction system where information is virtually immediately corrected and updated on the SCCF. The information within a block must be corrected sequentially. This is a quality control feature that forces all errors within a block to be corrected.

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ERISA Filing Acceptance System (EFAST)

ERISA Filing Acceptance System (EFAST) EFAST is a system, built and operated by NCS Pearson in Lawrence, Kansas, under contract to the Department of Labor, to process Form 5500 series returns. EFAST replaced IRS pipeline processing of the 1999 plan year returns in July 2000 and all plan year returns in July 2001. EFAST-processed returns… Continue reading ERISA Filing Acceptance System (EFAST)

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Entity Module

Entity Module Is that portion of the master file record which identifies the taxpayer. It contains his/her name, address, Social Security or Employer Identification number, employment code if applicable, name control, location codes, filing requirement codes, tax period, and date of establishment. In the case of IMF it also includes filing status, spouse’s name and… Continue reading Entity Module

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