Raw Data Data before it has been processed, which may not be in a form comprehensible to the machine.
Queue A sequential waiting pattern for information to be processed by the computer. normally used to refer to batch jobs waiting to be processed (French for “line”).
PTIN Is assigned by the Philadelphia Campus as a result of an accepted Form W-7P application. This is a 9 digit valid permanent number beginning with the alpha “P” followed by 8 numerics.
Profile A file containing the authorized command codes for each terminal operator.
Processable A processable return is one that meets all the requirements for acceptance to a specified program.
Pre-Journalized (PJ)
Pre-Journalized (PJ) A computer generated printout of the prejournalized balances on the SCCF. It consists of a control date recap, a summary of the in-process amounts, and a future DLN Listing.
Pre-Batch Manual processing function that blocks and assigns DLN’s to incoming paper documents for processing.
Posting Table
Posting Table A sophisticated RACS computer application program which receives the screen input data and directs it to the correct General Ledger File account and subsidiary files.
Pipeline The standard flow of processing for all tax returns and related documents through the automated processing systems at the service centers for posting to a master file at NCC.
Piecemeal Realtime
Piecemeal Realtime Each IDRS file may have its own realtime availability hours to allow for batch processing of the file. Also, if problems exist with one or more files, certain command codes may not be available while others are.