Absentee balloting materials – USPS Definition

Absentee balloting materials: Postcard applications, ballots, voting instructions, and envelopes sent through the mail without postage prepayment. This public service enables U.S. expatriates, members of the Armed Forces in active service, and the U.S. Merchant Marine (and their spouses and dependents) to apply for registration and to vote when absent from the place of voting… Continue reading Absentee balloting materials – USPS Definition


Users Employees who use terminals to update, change, correct or add data to various computer systems

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Unpostables (UP)

Unpostables (UP) Data that cannot be posted (updated) to a master file due to an unprocessable condition such as an incorrect TIN, date or transaction code.

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Transcript Research System (TRS)

Transcript Research System (TRS) The Transcript Research System (TRS) is a realtime mode that supports a myriad of functions. It is accessed through, and provides direct retrieval of, mater file data via IDRS realtime. This automated system replaced most microfilm research of tax data in the service center and district office. This system was previously… Continue reading Transcript Research System (TRS)

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Transaction Code

Transaction Code A three digit code used to identify actions being taken to a taxpayer’s account. See Section 8.

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Terminal Payment Number

Terminal Payment Number A 13 digit number established each day for each terminal from which remittance will be input. The last three digits are the sequence number of the payments input.

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Temporary SSN

Temporary SSN Is assigned by the Campus. On MCC or IDRS transcripts an asterisk (*) appears following the invalid number. The fourth and fifth digit is the Campus number.

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