Aspect Ratio – USPS Definition

Aspect Ratio The dimension of a mailpiece expressed as a ratio of length (the direction parallel to the address) divided by height. For example, a postcard 5-1/2 inches long by 3-1/2 inches high has an aspect ratio of 1.57. An aspect ratio between 1.3 and 2.5, inclusive, is required for automation compatibility. For First-Class Mail… Continue reading Aspect Ratio – USPS Definition

Ascender – USPS Definition

Ascender In Intelligent Mail barcode symbology, the bar that covers two of the three possible regions (from bottom to top): the tracking (middle) region and ascending (top) region. It does not cover the descending (bottom) region.

Arrow Lock Key – USPS Definition

Arrow Lock Key A distinctively shaped key used by carriers to open mail-receiving receptacles such as street collection boxes and panels of apartment house mailboxes equipped with an arrow lock. The bow (top of the key) is stamped with an image of an arrow below “U.S.P.S.” Arrow keys are accountable property and are subject to… Continue reading Arrow Lock Key – USPS Definition

Arrow Lock – USPS Definition

Arrow Lock A special type of brass and steel security lock installed in street collection boxes, storage boxes, apartment boxes, banks of apartment house mailboxes, cluster boxes such as neighborhood delivery and collection box units, and other postal mail-receiving receptacles. The name of the lock comes from an image of an arrow stamped below “U.S.… Continue reading Arrow Lock – USPS Definition