Automatic Flats Tray Unlidder  – USPS Definition

Automatic Flats Tray Unlidder (AFTU) A self-contained mechanized system based on the Automatic Flats Tray Lidder (AFTL) design as part of the material handling Integrated Dispatch and Receipt (IDR) system. It can be installed either inline or as a stand-alone device in an opening operation. Flats trays that are ready for opening can be fed… Continue reading Automatic Flats Tray Unlidder  – USPS Definition

Automatic Flats Tray Lidder – USPS Definition

Automatic Flats Tray Lidder (AFTL) A self-contained mechanized system that is installed either inline or as a stand-alone device in a dispatch operation as part of the material handling Integrated Dispatch and Receipt (IDR) system. Flats trays ready for dispatch can be fed manually (standalone) or automatically from a tray line (inline).

Automatic Airline Assignment – USPS Definition

Automatic Airline Assignment (AAA) A system that automatically processes letter trays and flats tubs. AAA assigns the trays and tubs to airlines with Dispatch & Routing (D&R)  labels and air contract transportation tags, and trucks with surface D&R and Highway Contract Route (HCR) tags. AAA integrates into the tray transport system in a facility and… Continue reading Automatic Airline Assignment – USPS Definition

Automated Postal Center – USPS Definition

Automated Postal Center (APC) A self-service kiosk that allows customers to mail letters, flats, and packages; buy stamps and some Special Services; and mail international letters. It also offers ZIP Code and tracking lookup and provides information on different services. This equipment is generally located in Post Office lobbies and in some locations provides customers… Continue reading Automated Postal Center – USPS Definition