This term includes an independent contractor who performs advisory functions on your behalf. [Used in: Part 1A, Instructions, Items 1, 5, 11; Part 2B, Instructions]
Discretionary Authority or Discretionary Basis – SEC Filing Term
Your firm has discretionary authority or manages assets on a discretionary basis if it has the authority to decide which securities to purchase and sell for the client. Your firm also has discretionary authority if it has the authority to decide which investment advisers to retain on behalf of the client. [Used in: Part 1A,… Continue reading Discretionary Authority or Discretionary Basis – SEC Filing Term
Custody – SEC Filing Term
Holding, directly or indirectly, client funds or securities, or having any authority to obtain possession of them. You have custody if a related person holds, directly or indirectly, client funds or securities, or has any authority to obtain possession of them, in connection with advisory services you provide to clients. Custody includes: Possession of client… Continue reading Custody – SEC Filing Term
Credit Derivative – SEC Filing Term
Single name credit default swap, including loan credit default swap, credit default swap referencing a standardized basket of credit entities, including credit default swap indices and indices referencing leveraged loans, and credit default swap referencing bespoke basket or tranche of collateralized debt obligations and collateralized loan obligations (including cash flow and synthetic) other than mortgage… Continue reading Credit Derivative – SEC Filing Term
Control – SEC Filing Term
The power, directly or indirectly, to direct the management or policies of a person, whether through ownership of securities, by contract, or otherwise. Each of your firm’s officers, partners, or directors exercising executive responsibility (or persons having similar status or functions) is presumed to control your firm. A person is presumed to control a corporation… Continue reading Control – SEC Filing Term
Commodity Derivative – SEC Filing Term
Exposures to commodities that you do not hold physically, whether held synthetically or through derivatives (whether cash or physically settled). [Used in: Part 1A, Schedule D]
Client – SEC Filing Term
Any of your firm’s investment advisory clients. This term includes clients from which your firm receives no compensation, such as family members of your supervised persons. If your firm also provides other services (e.g., accounting services), this term does not include clients that are not investment advisory clients. [Used throughout Form ADV and Form ADV-W]
Charged – SEC Filing Term
Being accused of a crime in a formal complaint, information, or indictment (or equivalent formal charge). [Used in: Part 1A, Item 11; DRPs]
Brochure Supplement – SEC Filing Term
A written disclosure statement containing information about certain of your supervised persons that your firm is required by Part 2B of Form ADV to provide to clients and prospective clients. See SEC rule 204-3; Form ADV, Part 2B. [Used in: General Instructions; Used throughout Part 2]
Brochure – SEC Filing Term
A written disclosure statement that you must provide to clients and prospective clients. See SEC rule 204-3; Form ADV, Part 2A. [Used in: General Instructions; Used throughout Part 2]