FMCSA DOT Acronyms – “S”


SAFER  – Safety and Fitness Electronic Records

SAFETYNET– Networked PC Data Collection and Deliver System

SAVI – Security Awareness Virtual Initiative

SCAPI – SAFER / CVIEW Application Programming Interface (used by Eric King @ APL)

SCAPI AFF– SAFER / CVIEW Application Programming Interface � Application File Format

SCT – Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (Ministry of Communications and Transportation)

SDM – SAFER Data Mailbox

Shipper – Any person or company that is the consignor or consignee of a household goods shipment; and is identified as such in the bill of lading contract.

SI – Safety Investigator

SICP – SAFER Interface Certification Procedures

SMS – Safety Measurement System

SMTP – Simple Mail Transport Protocol, (Sending)

SOWG – SAFER Option Working Group

SSO – Systems Security Officer

ST -State, Status

ST/Prov – State/Province

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