Glossary of terms
May 2009
Term or acronym |
Definition |
Authorized Equipment List (AEL) | This list may be found on the Responder Knowledge Base (RKB) website. The AEL Number must be entered on each invoice when a cash request is submitted. |
BZPP | Border Zone Protection Program The County of San Diego is the sub-grantee for this grant. |
Capital Asset | Per State guidelines-an item where the unit cost is $5,000 or more. |
Cash Request | A jurisdiction submits a copy of its Workbook and the appropriate forms to request reimbursement for grant funds expended. The County combines all of the jurisdictions’ requests and submits the Countywide Workbook to the State as a cash request. |
CFDA number | Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance number. All federal grant funds must be associated with a CFDA number for financial reporting. |
Close-out | A process in which the federal grant agency determines that all applicable administrative actions and all required work of the award have been completed. (including State and federal audits). |
Commingling of funds | Recipients and sub-recipients must ensure that agency funds are not commingled with funds from other awards or sources. Each award must be accounted for separately. |
Debarment | Recipients and sub-recipients must not use a vendor that is debarred or suspended from participation in Federal assistance programs. Information about debarred or suspended vendors can be accessed through the Excluded Parties List System. ( |
EHP | The Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation (EHP) program requires agencies complete a Screening Form for all Exercise and Training activities that include field-based activities, and Equipment items with specific AELs. The Form must be submitted to FEMA through the County and State and must be approved before the federal Homeland Security funds can be expended. |
EMPG | Emergency Management Performance Grant The County of San Diego is the sub-grantee for this grant. |
Environmental Justice | Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. Environmental justice prohibits inequitable distributions of environmental burdens (pollution, industrial facilities, crime, etc.) and requires equitable distribution of access to environmental goods such as nutritious food, clean air & water, parks, recreation, health care, education, transportation, safe jobs, etc. |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) |
Grant Assurance |
A written agreement between a jurisdiction and the County Office of Emergency Services (OES) outlining rights and responsibilities for each grant year. Agencies must maintain copies of their grant assurances. |
Grant Deadlines | Grant expenses are eligible for reimbursement based on the individual grant deadline. NOTE: Accounting polices require reimbursements to be processed within the fiscal year they are spent and paid. For example, all reimbursements for expenses incurred and paid by June 30, 2010 must be submitted no later than the first week in July 2010 so they can be reimbursed within the year-end process. |
Grant Number | The Grant number or Id is an eight digit number assigned to each grant. The first four numbers are the fiscal year. The Grant Number for 2009 SHSGP is 2008-0019. |
LETPP | Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program The County of San Diego is the sub-grantee for this grant. |
Modification | At application a jurisdiction submits a Workbook detailing their plan to spend their Homeland Security funds. The Countywide Workbook is then approved by the State. If in the future a jurisdiction needs to alter the plan, a copy of their Workbook with changes must be submitted for a modification. The jurisdiction will submit their requests on a quarterly basis to the County of San Diego OES, who then compiles into a master workbook to send to the State for approval. |
Monitoring |
The County Office of Emergency Services will periodically monitor their sub-recipients’ financial operations, records, systems, and procedures. Particular attention will be directed to the maintenance of current financial data and the location and availability of equipment purchased with grant funds. |
NEPA | The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) establishes a national policy for the protection and maintenance of the environment. NEPA policies require decision-makers to address the potential impacts proposed actions and alternatives will have on the human and natural environment. |
Procurement | All recipients are required to have written procurement procedures. Procurement standards deal with the acquisition of supplies, equipment, services, and real property. All procurement transactions must be conducted to the maximum extent practical to provide open and free competition. (Also see debarment for requirements) |
Project Code |
Projects are given a code within the Workbook. In the Excel workbook there is a tab that contains the codes and a project description. |
RCRA | The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of 1976 requires an assessment of the impact that debris, debris removal, hazardous wastes, and hazardous waste clean-up projects will have on air and water quality. The Act requires safe disposal of waste materials, promotes the recycling of waste materials, and encourages cooperation with local agencies. |
Retention Requirements | All financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to the grant award shall be retained by each organization for at least three years from the submission of the final expenditure report by the grantee (State). The County Office of Emergency Services will notify jurisdictions regarding the beginning of the three years. |
Single Audit | Required for non-federal entities that expend $500,000 or more in federal awards |
SHSGP | State Homeland Security Grant Program. The County of San Diego is the sub-grantee for this grant. |
SLGCP | State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness (SLGCP). Non-SLGCP training must be approved by the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security. Prior to the training, a Training Request Form must be completed electronically on the State Homeland Security website in the Training and Exercises Division. A copy of the approving email with the State feedback number must be provided for all reimbursement requests. |
Sub-grantee | The jurisdiction that receives the federal grant funds from the State of California. |
Sub-recipient | The jurisdiction that receives the grant funds from the County of San Diego or the City of San Diego. |
Supplanting | Recipients shall not replace funding appropriated from State and local governments with their federal grant funding. The purpose of these grants to increase the overall amount of resources available in order to bolster preparedness and to increase services and opportunities. Recipients must ensure that they do not reduce the current overall level of funding support to preparedness missions. |
UASI | Urban Areas Security Initiative. The City of San Diego is the sub-grantee for this grant. Cities within the County work with the City of San Diego for funding. The County works with the City to represent Fire Protection Districts and Volunteer Fire Agencies. |
Workbook | An Excel workbook that is prepared by each jurisdiction and subsequently rolled up into the San Diego County Workbook. It is used to request modifications and cash requests (reimbursements). The Excel workbook contains tabs dealing with such items as a Project Ledger, Project Descriptions, an Equipment Inventory Ledger, a Training Roster, an Exercise Roster, Authorized Agent/Approval, and Authority Signature Page. |
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