XBRL technical term for a table.
Category: XBRL Definitions
Trees (presentation, calculation, and so forth) used to express and navigate relationships
The occurrence in an instance document of a value or other information tagged by a taxonomy element.
Face of the financial statements
Financial statements without the notes or schedules
Extension taxonomy or extension
A taxonomy that allows users to add to a published taxonomy in order to define new elements or change element relationships and attributes (presentation, calculation, labels, and so forth) without altering the original.
Element definition
A human-readable description of a reporting concept. From an XBRL technical point of view, the element definition is the label with the type “documentation,” and there are label relationships in a label relationships file, but from a user point of view the definition is an unchangeable attribute of the element.
XBRL components (items, domain members, dimensions, and so forth). The representation of a financial reporting concept, including: line items in the face of the financial statements, important narrative disclosures, and rows and columns in tables.
Domain-member relationship
Dimensional relationship indicating that a domain contains the member.
Domain member
An element representing one of the possibilities within a domain.
An element that represents an entire set of other elements; the domain and its members are used to classify facts along the axis of a table. For example, “Arkansas” is a domain member in the domain “States,” and would be used to classify elements such as revenues and assets in Arkansas as distinct from other… Continue reading Domain