Road Van

Road Van A long haul tractor-trailer that moves shipments long distance (which is generally considered over 450 miles)


Reweigh Second weighing of shipment performed at destination at the shipper’s or the carrier’s request.

Released Value (Basic Value)

Released Value (Basic Value) This is the most economical protection option available. This no-additional-cost option provides minimal protection. Under this option, the mover assumes liability for no more than 60 cents per pound ($1.32 cents per kilogram), per article. Loss or damage claims are settled based upon the pound (kilogram) weight of the article multiplied… Continue reading Released Value (Basic Value)

Private Carrier

Private Carrier A company that provides truck transportation of its own cargo, usually as part of a business that produces, uses, sells and/or buys the cargo being hauled

Pickup and Delivery Charges

Pickup and Delivery Charges Separate transportation charges applicable for transporting your shipment between the storage-in-transit warehouse and your residence


Overflow Articles that are left behind due to insufficient space on a van, to be loaded on a second van for transportation and delivery

Origin Agent

Origin Agent The agent designated in the origin area to be available for preliminary readying of the shipment before movement (such as packing cartons), or to provide information to you regarding your move.

Order for Service Number

Order for Service Number The number used to identify your shipment. It appears in the upper right corner of the Bill of Lading and on the Order for Service