
Tariff A list (in whole or in part) containing rates, rules, regulations, classifications or other provisions related to a motor carrier’s transportation services. The Surface Transportation Board requires that a tariff contain three specific items. First, an accurate description of the services the mover offers to the public. Second, the specific applicable rates and service… Continue reading Tariff

Tare Weight

Tare Weight Weight of the van and its contents before your goods are loaded


Survey The booking or origin agent examines (i.e., surveys, or visually inspects) the shipper’s goods to develop a cost estimate

Surface Transportation Board

Surface Transportation Board (www.stb.dot.gov) This agency within the Department of Transportation regulates household goods carrier tariffs among other responsibilities.

Storage-in-Transit (SIT)

Storage-in-Transit (SIT) The temporary warehouse storage of your shipment pending further transportation, with or without notification to you. If you (or someone representing you) cannot accept delivery on the agreed-upon date or within the agreed-upon time period (for example, because your home is not quite ready to occupy), your mover may place your shipment into… Continue reading Storage-in-Transit (SIT)

Straight Truck

Straight Truck A truck, generally one half the size and capacity of a tractor-trailer. Straight trucks are single cab and body vehicles (as opposed to a tractor-trailer on which the cab can be separated from the trailer)

Shuttle Service

Shuttle Service Use of a smaller vehicle to provide service to residences that are not accessible to the mover’s normal line haul equipment (large moving vans).

Short Haul

Short Haul A move that takes place under 450 miles. Short hauls are (generally) performed with straight trucks, although tractor-trailers can, and are, often employed to complete large short haul moves


Shipper The person (customer) whose goods are being moved.

Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act

Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU): The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (Public Law 109-59; SAFETEA-LU) is a funding and authorization bill that Congress passed in 2005 and enhanced existing federal authority over interstate movers.