Over-the-road bus

Over-the-road bus A bus characterized by an elevated passenger deck located over a baggage compartment.

Out-of-Service Order

Out-of-Service Order A declaration issued by FMCSA or a law enforcement professional that prohibits a motor carrier or driver from operating a commercial motor vehicle.

Operating authority

Operating authority Dictates the type of operation a company may run and the cargo it may carry. Some types of carrier must obtain operating authority in addition to registering (U.S. DOT Number) with FMCSA.

On Duty

On Duty All time from when a driver begins compensated work, or is required to be ready to work, until the time the driver is relieved of all responsibilities for performing work.

Off Duty

Off Duty Any time a driver is free of responsibility or care of a CMV, is not performing or expected to perform work, and is welcome to leave the premises of the CMV in order to pursue activities of their choosing.

Notice of Violation

Notice of Violation A formal notice that violations are severe enough to warrant formal action, but not civil penalties. To avoid further intervention from FMCSA, the carrier must take corrective action and provide evidence of it, or contest the violations.

Notice of Claim

Notice of Claim A formal notice that violations are severe enough to warrant assessment and civil penalties.

New Entrant

New Entrant A motor carrier not domiciled in Mexico that applies for a United States Department of Transportation (DOT) identification number in order to initiate operations. A carrier is considered a new entrant for its first 18 months on the road, and must complete the New Entrant Safety Assurance Program.