Bulky Article

Bulky Article Items such as pianos, cars, boats, snowmobiles and campers usually carry a bulky article charge to compensate the carrier for the difficulty of loading and unloading such articles, and their unusual bulk or low weight density. In some cases, an additional “weight additive” is applicable


Broker A person who, for compensation, arranges or offers to arrange, the transportation of cargo by an authorized carrier. A broker does not provide the actual truck transportation. A broker does not assume responsibility for the cargo and usually does not take possession of the cargo.

Booking Agent

Booking Agent The agent who accepts the order for your move. The booking agent may or may not be your origin or destination agent.

Bill of Lading

Bill of Lading The receipt for your goods and the contract for their transportation. NOTE: It is your responsibility to understand the bill of lading before you sign it. If you do not agree with something on the bill of lading, do not sign it until you are satisfied that it is correct. The bill… Continue reading Bill of Lading

Auxiliary Service (Shuttle)

Auxiliary Service (Shuttle) If the assigned over-the-road van is unable to make a normal pickup/delivery because of physical constraints and a second, smaller, vehicle is needed, this is considered Auxiliary Service (a shuttle). Examples of such physical constraints include situations such as a road or driveway that is too narrow, a bridge unable to support… Continue reading Auxiliary Service (Shuttle)

Appliance Service by Third Party

Appliance Service by Third Party The preparation of major electrical appliances to make them safe for shipment. Charges for these services may be in addition to the line haul charges.


Agent A local moving company authorized to act on behalf of a larger, national company.

Advanced Charges

Advanced Charges Charges for services performed by someone other than the mover. A professional, craftsman, or other third party may perform these services at your request. The mover pays for these services and adds the charges to your bill of lading charges.

Accessorial (Additional) Services

Accessorial (Additional) Services Services such as packing, appliance servicing, unpacking, or piano stair carries that you request to be performed (or that are necessary because of landlord requirements or other special circumstances). Charges for these services may be in addition to the line haul charges.

Safety-sensitive function

Safety-sensitive function All time from the time a driver begins to work or is required to be in readiness to work until the time he/she is relieved from work and all responsibility for performing work.