
A rendering of a work of authorship from one language into another, such as a work that has been translated from English into Spanish, from German into English, or from Hindi into Malayalam.

Transfer of copyright ownership

“A ‘transfer of copyright ownership’ is an assignment, mortgage, exclusive license, or any other conveyance, alienation, or hypothecation of a copyright or of any of the exclusive rights comprised in a copyright, whether or not it is limited in time or place of effect, but not including a nonexclusive license.”

Sworn certification

“A sworn certification is an affidavit under the official seal of any officer authorized to administer oaths within the United States, or if the original is located outside of the United States, under the official seal of any diplomatic or consular officer of the United States or of a person authorized to administer oaths whose… Continue reading Sworn certification

Sui generis

A Latin phrase meaning “of its own kind.” In the context of the copyright law, it refers to classes of works protected under the statute that do not fall within existing categories of legal protection, such as mask works and vessel designs.

Special handling

Special handling is a procedure for expediting the examination of a claim to copyright or to record a document. The U.S. Copyright Office offers this service in certain circumstances where a copyright owner or other interested parties have a compelling reason for the expedited issuance of a certificate of registration or certificate of recordation, such… Continue reading Special handling

Source country

“The ‘source country’ of a restored work is— (A) a nation other than the United States; (B) in the case of an unpublished work— (i) the eligible country in which the author or rightholder is a national or domiciliary,or, if a restored work has more than 1 author or rightholder, of which the majority of… Continue reading Source country

Source code

Source code is a set of statements and instructions written by a human being using a particular programming language, such as Java, LISP, LOGO, PASCAL, Programming Inquiry Learning or Teaching, Programming in Logic, Assembly Language, or other programming languages. Typically, these statements are comprehensible to a person who is familiar with the relevant programming language,… Continue reading Source code