Glossary of Terms for Somali Examination

Glossary for Somali Examination     ENGLISH SOMALI ABSTRACT Fikir Kaab ACCESSORY (as assistant in a crime) Dambi Kalkaaliye ACCOMPLICE Dambi  Gacansiiye ACCUSATION (as a formal written charge) Ashtakeyn; Dacweyn;Eedeyn ACCUSE Ashtakee; Dacwee; Eedee ACQUIT Daa; Siidaa ACQUITTAL  Dayn; Siideyn ADJOURN Hakin, Joojin gaaban ADJUDICATE Xukun ADMISSIBLE La ogolaan karo ADMISSION Qirasho, Ogolaasho ADMONITION U… Continue reading Glossary of Terms for Somali Examination

County of San Diego Glossary of terms

Glossary of terms May 2009   Term or acronym Definition Authorized Equipment List (AEL) This list may be found on the Responder Knowledge Base (RKB) website.  The AEL Number must be entered on each invoice when a cash request is submitted. BZPP Border Zone Protection Program The County of San Diego is the sub-grantee for… Continue reading County of San Diego Glossary of terms

Smarter Balanced UAAG Supplement – Language Supports

Smarter Balanced UAAG Supplement – Language Supports Yutzil Becker State EL/Title III Coordinator 605.773.4698   Terminology & notation English Learners EL – Federal education classification for students who are learning English as a secondary language. First Year in Country: An EL student who has not had a school enrollment within the United States, for… Continue reading Smarter Balanced UAAG Supplement – Language Supports

Legal and Technical Glossary of Terms

Definitions of terms used in the Minnesota Disability Law Center Self-Advocacy Fact Sheets   504 accommodation plan – The plan a school has to make to help a student with a disability who does NOT qualify for special education. Adaptations – Changes to school rules or expectations that a student with a disability might need… Continue reading Legal and Technical Glossary of Terms

Internal Control Glossary of Term

Accounting Controls – Methods and procedures which an organization’s management institutes to (1) safeguard assets, (2) authorize transactions, (3) monitor financial activities, and (4) ensure the accuracy and validity of accounting records. Administrative Controls – Methods through which management supports the accomplishment of its objectives (e.g., planning, organizing, monitoring productivity, improving operations, and ensuring quality… Continue reading Internal Control Glossary of Term

Montana Shared Glossary of Terms Catalog

API – API stands for application programming interface.  Accessed at the application server level of the system architecture, APIs enable staff to perform interactive or automated data input or output to the Unicorn database. All data elements of the integrated system can be retrieved and updated using these tools.  SirsiDynix provides documentation, training, and support… Continue reading Montana Shared Glossary of Terms Catalog

CDISC Glossary of Terms

The controlled terminology in this spreadsheet represents the CDISC Glossary, produced by the CDISC Glossary team that seeks to harmonize definitions, acronyms, abbreviations, and initials of commonly used clinical terms across the standards initiatives undertaken by CDISC to support clinical research. The purpose of the CDISC Glossary is to serve the community of clinical researchers… Continue reading CDISC Glossary of Terms

USDA Foods Glossary of Terms

AGREEMENT – USDA FOODS, PROCESSING: A legal document entered into between a processor and a distributing agency or eligible recipient agency that provides for the further processing of USDA Foods. Processing agreements are not viable until the distributing agency approves them prior to the commencement of processing. A processing agreement is also referred to as… Continue reading USDA Foods Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Common Terms in Kentucky Education

Glossary of Common Terms in Kentucky Education   ADA (Average Daily Attendance) — the average of a set number of months’ attendance, used to determine funding Alternative Schools — schools that serve students who are not succeeding in the traditional public school environment due to academic problems, learning disabilities or behavioral problems Assessment — an… Continue reading Glossary of Common Terms in Kentucky Education