Assembly Buildings: To include restaurants, amusements/recreational, nightclubs, theaters, stadiums, church Certificate of Occupancy: Upon completion of all construction and prior to occupancy and upon final approvals by all appropriate inspectors, Certificates of Occupancy are issued by the Bureau of Buildings. Depending upon unusual circumstances, a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued for a specified… Continue reading Permitting Glossary of Terms
Author: SEC
Glossary of Utah Department of Health Terms
Glossary Albuterol: (Beta 2 agonist or albuterol sulfate) The most commonly seen rescue or quick relief medication used to relieve asthma symptoms quickly by relaxing muscles around the airways. Also used before exercise to prevent asthma symptoms for people with exercise-induced asthma. Most often used as an inhaler or with a nebulizer. Allele: One of… Continue reading Glossary of Utah Department of Health Terms
Glossary of Plain Language Thesaurus For Health Communications
Plain Language Thesaurus For Health Communications This Plain Language Thesaurus has been put together by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Marketing. Our aim is to help make health information clear and easy to understand. This thesaurus offers plain language equivalents to medical terms, phrases, and references that we often… Continue reading Glossary of Plain Language Thesaurus For Health Communications
HMGP Glossary of Terms
HMGP GLOSSARY 322 Plan: (See Hazard Mitigation Planning or Sub-grantee Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan) 5% Initiative Projects: These projects provide an opportunity to fund mitigation actions that are consistent with the goals and objectives of the State and local Hazard Mitigation Plans and meet all HMGP program requirements, but for which it may be difficult to conduct… Continue reading HMGP Glossary of Terms
National Park Glossary of Terms
GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND TITLES The purpose of this Exhibit is to list the job titles and explain the responsibilities of the filming industry employees park personnel might encounter on location. This is not a complete list of people on the set. Some of the job titles are obvious, such as carpenter, plumber, plasterer, scene… Continue reading National Park Glossary of Terms
Glossary of National Telecommunications and Information Administration Terms
GLOSSARY AC Alternating Current ACA Australian Communications Authority AERO-SAR Aeronautical Search and Rescue ALE Automatic Link Establishment AM Amplitude Modulation ANSI American National Standards Institute APD Amplitude Probability Distribution ARRL Amateur Radio Relay League AWG American Wire Gauge BBC British Broadcasting Corporation BBG Broadcasting Board of Governors BPL Broadband over Power Line(s) BW Bandwidth… Continue reading Glossary of National Telecommunications and Information Administration Terms
Glossary of terms for City of Rio Rancho
ACCOUNT – An entity for recording specific revenues or expenditures, or for grouping related or similar classes of revenues and expenditures and recording them within a fund or department. ACCOUNTING SYSTEM – The total set of records and procedures that are used to record, classify, and report information on the financial status and operations of the… Continue reading Glossary of terms for City of Rio Rancho
Informal Glossary of Right-of-Way Appraisal Terms
All Right, Title and Interest (All R.T. & I.): the acquisition of any interest in the existing highway right-of-way. The acquisition of All R.T. & I. may sometimes include a site improvement such as a stone wall, curb or unused well. Acquisition: The property, land, buildings or property rights that the agency proposes to acquire… Continue reading Informal Glossary of Right-of-Way Appraisal Terms
Call Center Glossary of Terms
ABANDONED CALLS Calls answered by equipment but never reaching a telephone specialist because the caller hung up (usually due to a long wait), caller interruption, or recognition of a misdialed call. AFTER CALL WORK (ACW) TIME Time required by a telephone specialist after a call to complete the record of that call and to arrange… Continue reading Call Center Glossary of Terms
Glossary Statistics For Public School Districts
GLOSSARY STATISTICS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICTS Need/Resource Capacity (N/RC) Category Code: A code indicating to which of six Need/Resource Capacity Categories a district belongs. Districts are placed in an N/RC category based on their N/RC Index. The N/RC Index is a measure of a district’s ability to meet the needs of its students with… Continue reading Glossary Statistics For Public School Districts