A short sale occurs when you sell stock you do not own. Investors who sell short believe the price of…
To increase the transparency surrounding short sale transactions, several self-regulatory organizations (SROs) are providing on their websites daily aggregate short selling volume…
Fees paid to respond to inquiries from investors and provide them with information about their investments.
Although investors sometimes ask the SEC for a list of a company's shareholders, the SEC does not maintain shareholder lists.…
Investors must complete or "settle" their security transactions within two business days. This settlement cycle is known as "T+2," shorthand…
A bond that has a higher priority than another bond's claim to the same class of assets in case of…
If your brokerage firm goes out of business and is a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC), then…
Analyst recommendations can have a significant effect on a company’s stock price, especially when the recommendations are widely disseminated through…
Federal securities laws may deem certain securities as restricted or control securities. Selling restricted or control securities in the marketplace…