Borrowings – SEC Filing Term

Borrowings include secured borrowings and unsecured borrowings, collectively. Secured borrowings are obligations for borrowed money in respect of which the…

5 years ago

Annual Updating Amendment – SEC Filing Term

Within 90 days after your firm’s fiscal year end, your firm must file an “annual updating amendment,” which is an…

5 years ago

Advisory Affiliate – SEC Filing Term

Your advisory affiliates are (1) all of your officers, partners, or directors (or any person performing similar functions); (2) all…

5 years ago


Process of checking that instance documents and taxonomies correctly meet the rules of the XBRL specification

5 years ago


Calculation relationship attribute (-1 or +1) that works in conjunction with the balance of the parent and child numeric elements…

5 years ago

Unit of measure

Process of checking that instance documents and taxonomies correctly meet the rules of the XBRL specification.

5 years ago

Type or Data type

Data types (monetary, string, share, decimal, and so forth) define the kind of data to be tagged with the element…

5 years ago

Taxonomy, Taxonomies

Electronic dictionary of business reporting elements used to report business data. A taxonomy is composed of an element names file…

5 years ago

Tag (verb)

To apply tags to an instance document.

5 years ago

Tag (noun)

Identifying information that describes a unit of data in an instance document and encloses it in angle brackets (<> and…

5 years ago