An FRN, or FCC registration number, is a 10-digit number that is assigned to a business or individual registering with the FCC. This unique FRN is used to identify the registrant’s business dealings with the FCC. The FCC will use the FRN to determine if all of a registrant’s fees have been paid.

Businesses are encouraged to register an FRN through the FCC’s Registration site as soon as you expect to do business with the FCC. This way, a business will be ready to access any of the electronic licensing systems without having to go through the registration process at the time you submit an application.

Why must I register with the FCC?

Registering via the FCC Registration site is how you provide the FCC with basic information. Each individual or organization doing business with the FCC is required to provide and maintain a current official contact address. The contact address you provide will be used to mail important FCC-related information to you.

What is meant by “doing business” with the FCC?

A filer, licensee, certificate holder, or any entity sending payments to the FCC is considered to be doing business with the FCC and must therefore have an FRN.

Petitioners or non-feeable complainants are not required to have an FRN.

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