- This is a living document and represents the sum of the work at this moment. Terms and definitions will change and be edited, added, or deleted over time.
- The intent was to be inclusive of the various definitions in use, not to exclude any definitions or areas of health care simulation.
- This collection ofdefinitions shows how the torsos being used in health care simulation. It is not intended to dictate one particular definition over another.
- This dictionary focuses on health-care-simulation-spesific terms and meanings. Many terms that are generally used in education (e.g., educational design) and health care (e.g., ventricular fibrillation or anxiety) are not defined. The reader is referred to standard dictionaries and resources for these definitions.
- This list of toms is not a taxonomy, nor should it be used as such. ft may inform taxonomical work.
- Tenns that have been identified as potentially controversial have been noted with a prior to the word.
- The terms and spellings are written in standard American English. This was at the recommendation of our consultant lexicographer to aid in reducing Atter and support translation to other languages.
- As a living document, all are encouraged to submit feedback using the form located at mvw.ssih.org/dictionary. We realize there may be better insights into other terms or definitions, additional references, etc.
- Citations have been included wherever possible. Should you know of additional and/or missing citations, please submit those. above. Original citations are preferred.
The Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) acknowledges the participation and input of many individuals and also the Societies they represent. Without you, this would not have been possible! Thank you for your time and efforts in the creation of this dictionary over the last 3 years.