Extension Notice Code A two digit code assigned to Forms 2688/4868 identifying if the applications for extension of time to…
Error Resolution System (ERS) An on-line real-time error correction system where information is virtually immediately corrected and updated on the…
ERISA Filing Acceptance System (EFAST) EFAST is a system, built and operated by NCS Pearson in Lawrence, Kansas, under contract…
Entity Module Is that portion of the master file record which identifies the taxpayer. It contains his/her name, address, Social…
Entity Index An index of all entity modules at a given service center, used by DIS when inputting returns. This…
Enterprise Computing Center (ECC) Located in Martinsburg, West Virginia, this center houses the master file records for the entire nation.…
Enforcement Revenue Information System (ERIS) ERIS is a new tracking system which will extract information for reports from existing systems.…
End-of-Day Processing (EOD) Processing that occurs at the end of each day. This process uses the gendata records produced by…