Transcript Research System (TRS) The Transcript Research System (TRS) is a realtime mode that supports a myriad of functions. It…
Transaction Code A three digit code used to identify actions being taken to a taxpayer’s account. See Section 8.
Terminal Payment Number A 13 digit number established each day for each terminal from which remittance will be input. The…
Temporary SSN Is assigned by the Campus. On MCC or IDRS transcripts an asterisk (*) appears following the invalid number.…
Taxpayer Information File (TIF) A file containing entity and tax data processed at a given service center for all TIN’s.
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Every taxpayer on the master file has a permanent number for identification of the tax account.…
Taxpayer Delinquent Investigation (TDI) A computer generated printout indicating that a taxpayer is delinquent filing a return. TDIs are sent…
Taxpayer Delinquent Account (TDA) A computer generated printout indicating that the taxpayer’s account has reached a delinquent status. TDAs are…
Tax Period The period of time for which a return is filed. The Service uses a six digit code to…
Tax Module Part of a taxpayer’s account which reflects tax data for one tax class (MFT) and one tax period.…