Qualifying Widow(er) filing status

Qualifying Widow(er) filing status If your spouse died in 2010, you can use married filing jointly as your filing status…

4 years ago

Qualifying Relative

Qualifying Relative There are tests that must be met to be a qualifying relative, they are: (1) not a qualifying…

4 years ago

Qualifying Child

Qualifying Child To be a qualifying child, the dependent must meet eight tests: (1) relationship, (2) age, (3) residence, (4)…

4 years ago

Public Goods and Services

Public Goods and Services Benefits that cannot be withheld from those who don't pay for them, and benefits that may…

4 years ago

Protective Tariff

Protective Tariff A tax levied on imported goods with the purpose of reducing domestic consumption of foreign-produced goods.

4 years ago

Proportional Tax

Proportional Tax A tax that takes the same percentage of income from all income groups.

4 years ago

Property Taxes

Property Taxes Taxes on property, especially real estate, but also can be on boats, automobiles (often paid along with license…

4 years ago


Progressive Tax A tax that takes a larger percentage of income from high-income groups than from low-income groups.

4 years ago

Personal Identification Number (PIN)

Personal Identification Number (PIN) Allow taxpayers to "sign" their tax returns electronically. The PIN, a five-digit self-selected number, ensures that…

4 years ago

Personal Exemption

Personal Exemption Can be claimed for the taxpayer and spouse. Each personal exemption reduces the income subject to tax by…

4 years ago