Taxpayer Delinquent Investigation (TDI)

Taxpayer Delinquent Investigation (TDI) A computer generated printout indicating that a taxpayer is delinquent filing a return. TDIs are sent…

4 years ago

Taxpayer Delinquent Account (TDA)

Taxpayer Delinquent Account (TDA) A computer generated printout indicating that the taxpayer’s account has reached a delinquent status. TDAs are…

4 years ago

Tax Period

Tax Period The period of time for which a return is filed. The Service uses a six digit code to…

4 years ago

Tax Module

Tax Module Part of a taxpayer’s account which reflects tax data for one tax class (MFT) and one tax period.…

4 years ago

Tape Sequence Number (TSN)

Tape Sequence Number (TSN) The sequential number assigned to each block on the transaction tape when it is prepared for…

4 years ago

Tape Module

Tape Module The segments of the master file that contain information on tax processing. This will contain the DLN and…

4 years ago

Tape Edit Program (TEP)

Tape Edit Program (TEP) This is the computer application program GMF-15, which is the last step in transaction processing before…

4 years ago

Tape Drives

Tape Drives The hardware device that holds, reads, and writes to the magnetic tapes.

4 years ago


System A set of related components and events that interact with each other to accomplish a task.

4 years ago


Suspense The process of placing one document on hold status for a variety of reasons. This will allow the other…

4 years ago