
High-Fidelity Simulation

Etym. fidelity (n.) early 15c., “faithfulness, devotion,” from Middle French fidélité (15c.), from Latin fidelitatem (nominative fidelitas) “faithfulness, adherence, trustiness,”…

4 years ago

High-Fidelity Simulator

Etym. fidelity (n.) early 15c., “faithfulness, devotion,” from Middle French fidélité (15c.), from Latin fidelitatem (nominative fidelitas) “faithfulness, adherence, trustiness,”…

4 years ago

Health Care Simulation

Etym. simulation (n.) noun of action from past participle stem of simulare “imitate,” from stem of similis “like.” Meaning “a…

4 years ago

Haptic (Haptics)

Etym. (adj.) “pertaining to the sense of touch,” 1890, from Greek haptikos “able to come into contact with,” from haptein…

4 years ago

Gynecological / Genitourinary Teaching Associate (GTA, GUTA, MUTA)

Etym. genitourinary (adj.) of or relating to the genital and urinary organs or functions. genitals (n.) “reproductive organs,” especially the…

4 years ago

Guided Reflection

Etym. guide (v.) late 14c., “to lead, direct, conduct,” from Old French guider “to guide, lead, conduct” (14c.), earlier guier,…

4 years ago

Functional Fidelity

Etym. functional (adj.) 1630s, “pertaining to function or office,” from function (n.) + -al (1), or from Medieval Latin functionalis.…

4 years ago


Etym. From 1660s in the meaning “particular state” (as in Frame of mind, 1711). Frame of reference is 1897. Definition…

4 years ago


Etym. fidelity (n.) early 15c., “faithfulness, devotion,” from Middle French fidélité (15c.), from Latin fidelitatem (nominative fidelitas) “faithfulness, adherence, trustiness,”…

4 years ago

Fiction Contract

Etym. fiction (n.) something that is not true; something invented by the imagination or feigned; an assumption of a possibility…

4 years ago