Pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 3102 a United States person is any individual, branch, partnership, associated group, association, estate, trust, corporation,…
Offices of United States banks located in foreign countries that provide financial services to persons in the United States Armed…
Securities that are guaranteed by or are the obligation of a federal agency, a federal instrumentality, or a federally sponsored…
An entity whose role is to represent the CLO investors. The U.S. CLO Trustee is responsible for issuing monthly ‘trustee…
Sweep agreements are contractual agreements between institutions and their customers that allow funds to be automatically transferred to another account…
A company in which another company (parent) owns 50% or more of the voting securities, or an equivalent interest, or…
A security evidencing debt that the holder agrees to rank after senior creditors, but before shareholders, in a bankruptcy.
A custodian that has legal responsibility for the safekeeping of securities entrusted to it by another custodian.