Glossary Guide


Etym. discipline (n.) directly from Latin disciplina “instruction given, teaching, learning, knowledge,” also “object of instruction, knowledge, science, military discipline,”…

4 years ago

Interactive Model or Simulation

Etym. simulation (n.) noun of action from past participle stem of simulare “imitate,” from stem of similis “like.” Meaning “a…

4 years ago

In Situ/In Situ Simulation

Etym. in situ 1740, Latin, literally “in its (original) place or position,” from ablative of situs “site.” Etym. simulation (n.)…

4 years ago

In Silico

Etym. 1980s: Latin, literally ‘in silicon’ (with reference to the use of silicon chips in computer systems); on the pattern…

4 years ago

Incognito Standardized Patient

Etym. incognito (adj./adv.) 1640s as both adjective (“disguised under an assumed name and character”) and adverb (“unknown, with concealed identity”),…

4 years ago

Immersive Simulation

Etym. immersion. (n.) c. 1500, from Late Latin immersionem, noun of action from past participle stem of immergere “to plunge…

4 years ago


Etym. (n.) c. 1500, from Late Latin immersionem (nominative immersio), noun of action from past participle stem of immergere “to…

4 years ago

Hybrid Simulation

Etym. hybrid (n.) “a product of two heterogeneous things” emerged c. 1850. Etym. simulation (n.) noun of action from past…

4 years ago

Human Factors

Etym. factor (n.) Sense of “circumstance producing a result” is attested by 1816, from the mathematical sense. Definition The discipline…

4 years ago

High-Fidelity Simulation

Etym. fidelity (n.) early 15c., “faithfulness, devotion,” from Middle French fidélité (15c.), from Latin fidelitatem (nominative fidelitas) “faithfulness, adherence, trustiness,”…

4 years ago