E EC - Electronic Credentialing ECCB - Enterprise Change Control Board EDI - Electronic Data Interchange EDM - End of…
D DataQs - Support tool that assists requesters, FMCSA, and State agencies in filing DBA - Doing Business As DCE…
C C & A - Certification and Accreditation Cancels - Cancellations CAPRI - Compliances Analysis Performance and Review Information Carrier…
B BASIC - (Behavioral Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories BICE - Bureau of Immigration and Enforcement BIPD - Bodily Injury,…
A AAMVAnet- American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) data communications network ACD - AAMVA Code Dictionary ACS - Access…
Based on the concept that business processes are actually sets of tasks done in a prescribed order (workflow) that combines…
A programming language that uses, partially or entirely, visual representations such as graphics, icons, drawings, and animation. A visual language…
Sometimes used to describe databases occupying magnetic storage in the terabyte (1 trillion bytes) range and containing billions of table…
The maintenance and storage of previous copies of a piece of information for security, diagnostics, and other interests. Versioning also…
A methodology used in systems analysis to identify, explain, and organize system requirements. It is made up of a set…