
Sound recordings

“‘Sound recordings’ are works that result from the fixation of a series of musical, spoken, or other sounds, but not…

5 years ago

Shipping slip

A document generated by the U.S. Copyright Office’s electronic registration system. If the applicant submits a physical copy of a…

5 years ago

Series of musical, spoken, or other sounds

series of musical, spoken, or other sounds connotes a temporal succession of sounds rather than simultaneous sounds, such as those…

5 years ago


A work that is issued or intended to be issued on an established schedule in successive parts bearing numerical or…

5 years ago

Semiconductor chip product

“A ‘semiconductor chip product’ is the final or intermediate form of any product— (A) having two or more layers of…

5 years ago

Screen displays

Content generated by a computer program that appears on a computer screen.

5 years ago

Scènes à faire

A stock character, setting, or event that is common to a particular subject matter or medium. Standard expressions that necessarily…

5 years ago

Rule of Doubt

In certain circumstances, the U.S. Copyright Office may register a claim under the Rule of Doubt if the registration specialist…

5 years ago


An abbreviation for the U.S. Copyright Office’s “Records Research and Certification Section.”

5 years ago

Review Board (also referred to as the “Board”)

A Board consisting of the Register of Copyrights and the General Counsel of the Copyright Office (or their respective designees)…

5 years ago