Automatic Tray Unsleever (ATU) A self-contained unit similar in size to the Automatic Tray Sleever that receives letter trays from…
Automatic Tray Sleever (ATS) A self-contained unit with 10 detachable sleeve carts that places sleeves over trays of letters to…
Automatic Tray Handling System (ATHS) An enhancement to the Automated Flats Sorting Machine 100 (AFSM 100) that improves productivity by…
Automatic Teller Machine Sheetlet (ATM Sheetlet) A pane of self-adhesive stamps on a liner (backing) that is the same size…
Automatic Induction (AI) A system on the Automated Flats Sorting Machine (AFSM) 100 that automates the preparation and feeding of…
Automatic Flats Tray Unlidder (AFTU) A self-contained mechanized system based on the Automatic Flats Tray Lidder (AFTL) design as part…
Automatic Flats Tray Lidder (AFTL) A self-contained mechanized system that is installed either inline or as a stand-alone device in…
Automatic Density Analysis Profile Technique (ADAPT) A computerized program that counts the amount of mail (by volume and bin destination)…
Automatic Container Unloader A machine that automatically unloads mail from a container onto a mechanized conveyor system. Also called parcel…
Automatic Airline Assignment (AAA) A system that automatically processes letter trays and flats tubs. AAA assigns the trays and tubs…