
Mainframe Mainframe means large computer. Mainframes have faster processing speeds than smaller systems. The mainframe also houses the CPU.

4 years ago

Magnetic Tape (Mag Tape)

Magnetic Tape (Mag Tape) Magnetic tapes are made of flexible plastic with only one side coated with a magnetic recording…

4 years ago

Machine language

Machine language The language at its lowest level in binary form (001111100), into which data and programs must ultimately be…

4 years ago

Long Closing

Long Closing The AIMS closing of examined returns and surveyed claims. A long closing uses Form 5344 (Exam), Form 5599…

4 years ago


Labels AIMS provides three types of labels: audit (status), file, and address labels. Audit labels are used on AIMS forms…

4 years ago

Key Verification (KV)

Key Verification (KV) The process of verifying original entry (OE) data on a terminal.

4 years ago

Julian Date

Julian Date The numeric day of the year that the return or document was numbered for processing. (For example: January…

4 years ago


Job A collection of specific tasks constituting a unit of work for a computer.

4 years ago


ITIN Is assigned by Austin Campus as a result of an accepted Form W-7/W-7SP application. This is a 9 digit…

4 years ago

IRS Number

IRS Number Classification number given to various classes of excise or special tax liability. (Lubricating oil, IRS 63; Retail Liquor…

4 years ago