Safety Rating

Safety Rating A safety rating is an evaluation of a motor carrier’s safety performance that is available to the carrier…

4 years ago

Safety Measurement System

Safety Measurement System The web-based system FMCSA uses to collect data from roadside inspections, including driver and vehicle violations; crash…

4 years ago

Safety management controls

Safety management controls The systems, policies, programs, practices, and procedures used by a motor carrier to ensure compliance with applicable…

4 years ago

Safety Audit

Safety Audit An examination of a motor carrier’s operations to provide educational and technical assistance on safety and the operational…

4 years ago

Roadside Inspection

Roadside Inspection See Inspection. Roadside inspections may be conducted at a variety of locations, such as weigh stations, border checkpoints, bus…

4 years ago

Refusal to submit

Refusal to submit (to an alcohol or controlled substances test) Means that a driver: Fails to appear for any test…

4 years ago

Public liability

Public liability The motor carrier’s responsibility for bodily injury, property damage, and environmental restoration following an accident.

4 years ago

Private motor carrier of passengers (non-business)

Private motor carrier of passengers (non-business) Provides private interstate transportation of passengers not in furtherance of a commercial enterprise and…

4 years ago

Private motor carrier of passengers (business)

Private motor carrier of passengers (business) Provides private interstate transportation of passengers in furtherance of a commercial enterprise and is…

4 years ago

Owner Operator

Owner–Operator A person who operates a CMV under his or her own authority (U.S. DOT Number), as both a motor…

4 years ago