Warehouse Handling

Warehouse Handling A charge may be applicable each time storage-in-transit service is provided. Charges for these services may be in…

4 years ago

Van Operator

Van Operator The driver of the vehicle carrying your household goods.

4 years ago


Van Movers call all types and kinds of trucks used for moving "vans." A van can be as small as…

4 years ago


Valuation The degree of "worth" or dollar value of the shipment. The valuation charge compensates the mover for assuming a…

4 years ago


Unpacking The removal of your goods from containers (boxes) and crates, and the disposal of such containers and packing materials

4 years ago

Third Party Services

Third Party Services Services performed by someone other than the carrier at your request or as required by Federal, state…

4 years ago


Tariff A list (in whole or in part) containing rates, rules, regulations, classifications or other provisions related to a motor…

4 years ago

Tare Weight

Tare Weight Weight of the van and its contents before your goods are loaded

4 years ago


Survey The booking or origin agent examines (i.e., surveys, or visually inspects) the shipper's goods to develop a cost estimate

4 years ago

Surface Transportation Board

Surface Transportation Board (www.stb.dot.gov) This agency within the Department of Transportation regulates household goods carrier tariffs among other responsibilities.

4 years ago