Motor Carrier Census Database A database on the USDOT mainframe computer containing information identifying interstate and intrastate commercial carriers. A…
Mobile Inspection Facility A non-permanent inspection facility. Mobile facilities can be moved from one location to another, as conditions warrant.…
Intrastate Carrier A carrier who operates solely in intrastate commerce and, for the purposes of this report, never transports hazardous…
Motor Carrier Inspection Database A database on the USDOT mainframe computer containing records of inspections of interstate and intrastate carriers.…
Interstate Carrier A carrier who sometimes or always operates in interstate or foreign commerce. For the purposes of this report,…
Inspection Level Refers to the inspection methodology employed in the examination of a given vehicle and driver. Five inspection levels…
Inspection The systematic examination of a commercial motor vehicle and its driver to determine their overall safety fitness.
Hazardous Materials Violation A violation discovered during the inspection which pertains to the transportation of hazardous materials.
Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) Federal regulations governing the commercial transportation of hazardous materials. The HMR are contained in the Code of…