
Appeal To call for a review of an irs decision or proposed adjustment.

4 years ago

Amount due

Amount due Money that taxpayers must pay to the government when the total tax is greater than their total tax…

4 years ago

Adjusted gross income

Adjusted gross income Gross income reduced by certain amounts, such as a deductible ira contribution or student loan interest

4 years ago

Ability to pay

Ability to pay A concept of tax fairness that states that people with different amounts of wealth or different amounts…

4 years ago

Common Vehicle Configurations

Common Vehicle Configurations    

4 years ago

Walk-Around Inspection

Walk-Around Inspection Follows most procedures of the Full Inspection, except those actions which can only be accomplished by climbing underneath…

4 years ago

Vehicle Violation

Vehicle Violation A violation of the FMCSR or HRM.

4 years ago

Vehicle Configuration

Vehicle Configuration Arrangement of the individual units - truck-tractors, trailers, etc. - comprising a commercial vehicle.

4 years ago

USDOT Number

USDOT Number An identification number assigned to all interstate commercial carriers regulated by the FMCSA. The number is used to…

4 years ago


Truck-Tractor A self-propelled motor vehicle designed and primarily used to draw other vehicles.

4 years ago